Waking Up With: Kelsey Heinze

Waking Up With: Kelsey Heinze

Kelsey Heinze is a photographer and creator based in sunny Florida. Her thoughtful approach to aesthetics is reflected in her beautiful home filled with natural light, soft neutrals, and amazing vintage finds. Here, we discuss her photography and creative projects, an experimental approach to decorating, and being inspired by friends.

Hello! First off, tell us a little about yourself and what you’ve been up to lately.

Hi! My name is Kelsey. I am a photographer, stylist and curator living in the sunny state of Florida. I’ve been up to a lot lately! I’ve been working on many personal projects and goals.

“A little distance and perspective goes a long way.”

Kelsey Heinze

What is your morning ritual?

Most mornings I am woken up by meows at 5/6am. Fortunately, I like waking up early! After drinking some water, feeding my kittens, and making coffee, I like to relax in my living room and listen to music.

You are the Content Director for YIELD, can you tell us a little bit about what your typical work day looks like?

What I love about working for YIELD is that no day is the same. We are a small team, so we all wear many hats. My main ‘hat’ is photography, content , and e-commerce. I also assist in production, operations management, and customer service.

In addition to your work for YIELD, you are also a photographer and stylist. How did you get started on this path?

I went to Savannah College of Art and Design for Photography, so I knew that photo was the direction I wanted to go in early on. It wasn’t until I started working at YIELD that my love for design evolved and matured. 

You also have an online store, VILLA, can you tell us about it and how it came to be?

VILLA is inspired by my home and desire to share objects that celebrate the beauty of craft, design, and intention. My partner,  Isaiah and I started VILLA together through our love of design, rummaging through estate sales, and thrifting.

What are some of your favorite pieces in the shop at the moment?

There are so many! I particularly love this ceramic vase in the style of Alvar Aalto’s ‘Savoy Vase’ and this Mediterranean lamp.

What do you do to stay grounded and avoid burnout amidst all of your creative projects?

I take a lot of time for myself. I plan a day outdoors, or even a weekend get-away to reset. A little distance and perspective goes a long way.

We are huge fans of your design aesthetic and beautiful home in Jacksonville, FL, can you tell us a little bit about your home? What is your approach to decorating?

Isaiah and I purchased our home about a year ago. Fortunately, we were the first to call the agent and make an offer. The rest is history! A few months ago we found out from our sweet 90 year old neighbor that the house was built by a prominent local architect as his personal home.

My decorating approach is experimental. It’s all about feeling. I don’t know if an object or piece of furniture will work until I see it in a space. I am constantly rearranging and swapping out different furniture, objects, textures, and materials within my home to see how it all plays together. 

“I am constantly rearranging and swapping out different furniture, objects, textures, and materials within my home to see how it all plays together.”

What are some of your favorite places and/or things to do in Jacksonville?

I love going to the ocean. Big Talbot Island is my favorite beach here. It’s a state park that takes you through a 10 minute long trail that leads to the most serene beach. The shoreline is filled with uprooted trees and natural shelters. It’s very romantic.

Who and what inspires you the most right now?

My inner circle of friends. These women are so inspiring and hardworking. They all keep me grounded, motivated, inspired and looking forward. I am so grateful.

What are you reading / watching / listening to these days?

I am really interested in MBTI psychology (I am an ISFP!).  My friend got me into it and introduced me to the Personality Hacker Podcast. I highly recommend it for those interested in self awareness and growth through the MBTI lens.

Fill in the blanks:

The coolest place I’ve ever woken up in is: A horizon of blue - a bedroom overlooking the Long Island Sound

The best cup of coffee/tea is at: My home!

A thing about mornings I’ll never get sick of is: The stillness.

Photos by: Kelsey Heinze

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